Gastric Balloon for Effective Weight Loss at Yugencare

Achieving sustainable weight loss can be a challenge, but with advancements in medical technology, procedures like the gastric balloon offer a non-surgical solution for those seeking effective weight management. At Yugencare, we specialize in gastric balloon procedures, providing personalized care and support for successful weight loss journeys.

Understanding Gastric Balloon:

A gastric balloon, also known as a stomach balloon, is a non-surgical, temporary weight loss procedure involving the insertion of a deflated silicone balloon into the stomach. Once inserted, it is inflated with a sterile saline solution, occupying space in the stomach and promoting a feeling of fullness, aiding in portion control and reduced food intake.

Benefits of Gastric Balloon:

  1. Effective Weight Loss: The gastric balloon supports weight loss by reducing the capacity of the stomach, aiding individuals in controlling their food intake and making healthier dietary choices.

  2. Non-Surgical Approach: It’s a non-invasive alternative to weight loss surgeries, involving a straightforward procedure without the need for incisions or anesthesia.

  3. Temporary Nature: Gastric balloons are typically in place for 6 to 12 months, providing a focused period for significant weight loss before removal.

Gastric Balloon Procedure:

The procedure involves the insertion of the deflated balloon through the mouth into the stomach using an endoscope. Once in place, it’s filled with saline solution and remains in the stomach for the designated period. Removal is also performed endoscopically.

Before and After Care:

Before the procedure, consultations and evaluations are conducted to ensure suitability. Post-procedure, dietary guidance, lifestyle modifications, and follow-up appointments are crucial for maximizing results.

Gastric Balloon at Yugencare:

At Yugencare, our skilled professionals specialize in gastric balloon procedures, offering comprehensive support, personalized care, and guidance throughout your weight loss journey.

Gastric Balloon Prices in Dubai:

For pricing details and consultation regarding gastric balloon procedures in Dubai, contact us directly. Our team provides transparent information on gastric balloon costs and tailored treatment plans.


Gastric balloons offer a non-surgical approach to weight loss, providing effective results and supporting individuals in achieving their weight management goals. Trust Yugencare for expert consultations and personalized gastric balloon procedures tailored to your needs.

Contact us for consultations and information on gastric balloon procedures, including pricing and duration options suitable for your weight loss journey.

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