Skin DNA Damage

Skin cells can become stressed by both our environment and lifestyle. Specifically, ultraviolet solar light and pollution are the main environmental factors. While lifestyle factors include diet, smoking, sleep quality, and alcohol consumption.

Stress results in the production of reactive oxygen species in the mitochondria (the batteries of our cells), signaling the cell to repair damage. However, excessive reactive oxygen species can lead to damage, causing the mitochondrial batteries in our skin to run down. This ultimately decreases skin bioenergy and causes tired skin. This is how our lifestyle and environment can lead to skin DNA damage and accelerate skin aging.

By monitoring and looking after our mitochondria, we can take steps to keep our batteries topped up and increase bioenergy for younger-looking skin.

Sun Exposure and DNA Damage:

How does the sun damage the DNA of the skin?

The sun can induce cancerous DNA damage in skin cells even after it sets. The melanin-assisted process creates lesions known as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in the DNA, which can lead to mutations causing melanoma, a type of skin cancer.

Consequences of Excessive DNA Damage:

Excessive DNA damage can initiate apoptosis (programmed cell death) if it exceeds the repair capacity, preventing cells with excess DNA damage from undergoing mutagenesis and progression to cancer.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aging:

Intrinsic Aging:

‘Intrinsic aging’ is the inevitable reduction in cell function primarily influenced by genetics. Visible characteristics include fine lines, increased redness of visible veins, and reduced skin elasticity.

Extrinsic Aging:

‘Extrinsic aging’ results from external factors affecting the skin, producing deeper wrinkles, dryer skin, spider veins, and uneven pigmentation. Maintaining proper skin function during aging is crucial for wound healing and avoiding water loss.

Mitochondrial Damage and Skin Layers:

Our skin consists of different layers, with skin cells in the epidermal layer forming from stem cells at the bottom. Mitochondria have a limited ability to repair DNA damage from stress. DNA skin tests can track damage accumulated over months.


Constant stress on your skin can cause irreparable damage. A DNA Skin Test can guide you in making informed decisions about skin health. It measures your skin age, determines skin DNA damage specific to sun exposure, tracks treatments for skin protection, and discovers personalized methods to protect your skin.


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